Our court reporters in Monroe County are highly skilled in their craft, and they are ready to meet your specific case needs.
Experienced and professional. Our team of highly-skilled and licensed court reporters cover the entire Monroe County area. Rough drafts, expedited transcripts, all deposition transcripts formats, and hyperlinked transcripts are available.
Watkins Depositions offers a full range of professional court reporting and legal videotaping services in Monroe County. Our experienced reporters and videographers can provide the legal record you need.
Monroe County Audio Depositions
- Experienced Certified Court Reporters
- Ability to cover: in person, web remote, or telephonically
- After Hours and Weekend Appointments Available
- Condensed or Regular Copies Available
- Word Indexing
- Digital Copies
- Standard Turnaround 10 days or under
- Expedited Transcripts Available
- Very Reasonable Rates without extra costs
Monroe County Video Depositions
- Discovery
- Trial
- Experienced in medical and expert witnesses
- Police Interviews
- Certified or Uncertified Statements
- Office Notes or manuscripts
- Compatible with all versions of cassette and digital recordings
Transcripts for Appeal and Non Appeal
- Up to date on all Appellate Rules
- All Deadlines Met
- Experience in several 1000 page plus appeals
- All Transcripts Prepared for Immediate Filing
- Experienced FTR Troubleshooting
- Multi Speaker Meetings
- Bid Meetings
- Government Hearings